Saturday, August 4, 2012

Garden: Why should you garden for food?

Here are some reasons I have found to garden. hopefully this can help you deside to garden too.

Important reason to vegetable GARDEN is to save money.

Produce can be really expensive for many families so fresh fruits and vegetables don’t always appear in one’s grocery list.

Gardening which can be more time consuming based on the complexity and size of one’s garden but can still be a source of self- sufficiency, relaxation, and a plain feel good hobby.

To grow your own fruits and vegetables you know if and what pesticides are going into your food.

 Home grown fruits and vegetables are fresher and tend to taste better then store bought.

Sharing your garden with your children can be a way to instill the value to your children of hard work that can produce good things such as food.

If you grow too much, you may find that you are able to share with others that are not fortunate enough to be able to grow their own garden.

Canning your own vegetables, while the initial cost is more than what you would pay for a jar or can of food, over time (if you stick with it) can saves you money.

Growing one’s own food you can have more affordable way to have organic food. Many supermarkets will sell organic seeds. All you need to do is put in the effort.

So to recap on Reason to vegetable garden

Saves Money

Healthier diet

Enjoy your hobby of gardening

Control what goes into your food

Taste better

Instill the joy of hard work in your children

Canning helps through the winter

Share excess vegetables with others

Cheaper organic food

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