Saturday, August 11, 2012

Money Saver: Teddy Bear Birth Day Party

Teddy Bear Birthday Party

my daughter had her first birthday. this was my idea to make
my daughters birthday cheap and yet a lot of fun.
Couple Bags of Candy
Muffins or Cupcakes
Group of Four Crayons Tied in a bow
Homemade Cake: dribble food coloring and spread it with
a fork making peaks for blades of grass
animal bath toys

Tent balloon ball pit:
if you have an old tent this is a really cheap idea that is loads of fun

made bear prints using gripped drawer lining

kiddy pool and sprinkler

Friday, August 10, 2012

Time Saver: Tin Foiled Stove Top Drip Pans

This is a trick my mother taught me. She figured it out when we had to rent homes growing up. This saves a lot of time scrubbing drip pans that are a pain to wash anyways. I guess a lot of my friends have to buy at least one set of new drip pans a year so I guess this technique can also save money.

first you need to buy a long roll of heavy duty Reynolds Wrap tin foil.
make sure it is the heavy duty, all others are not good enough.
tear off a large piece and place it in the drip pan. try to smooth out the
 inside of the drip pan if possible to it is as form fitted as you can.

next fold the tin foil over the edges of the drip pan

either tear or cut with scissores the extra tin foil

cut an x in the opening hole at the bottom

it should look like this

another one where the burner plug-in is suppose to go

fold the edges over and place on your stove.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

How to Make Pom Poms

there aren many different yarns that you can use to make pom poms

each yarn will give you a different look

what you will need is a scissors, fork and a ball of yarn

1. cut a piece of yarn

2. put the yarn inbetween the tongs of the fork

3. rap yarn around the fork at the least 20-30
times or until the fullness preference is met

4. take the yarn from step 2 and tie the yarn once

5. loop around to the back and tie 2 more times

6. take the yarn off the fork

7. cut one side of the pom pom without
cutting the center tie

8. it should look something like this

9. repeat on other side

10. trim the extra yarn off and vela you have a
Pom Pom!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Etsy: Disney Hair Clips

More Disney Hair Clips, perfect for girls that are princesses at heart.

Etsy: Disney Hair Clips

This is my Disney Hair Clips that have been updated. I am going to try to update the rest of them soon. You can find more of my products if you click this link motherhen9

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Twin Lakes Bible Camp

                                                    The picture above is the welcome sign.

       So Twin Lakes Bible Camp in Manson Iowa had one of the best camp themes I have ever seen, a Star Wars theme. Our good friend Marky is one of the greatest mastermind of artistic genius who created all the props. He made different battle ships from Star Wars movies and dangled them from the ceiling of the Harvest Hall. I wish I had a picture because they were so cool. I wanted to see if I could get a couple of X-Wings to make a mobile for a Baby Room but he couldnt get one down for me with a ladder. Sadness! Maybe I can see if he saved any when I next see him.
I will update you if i make the mobile.

For anyone interested in Twin Lakes Bible Camp check out their website.

The Camp is not just for children and young adults but for couples and families as well.

Save Money Buy Bacon Ends

    Money saving tip: bacon ends are so much cheaper than regular sliced bacon. By how much? I say about $1 cheaper per pound. Bacon ends are meatier and thicker than regular bacon. Great for recipes that call for crumbled bacon. They come in 3lb Packages at Walmart for somewhere around $6. You can freeze bacon the don't use, so you can either divide the bacon into separate bags or freeze the whole thing and cut off what you need. Bacon ends are great for salads, soups, and sandwiches.

        Tidbit: For moms that like simple meals and easy prep time cook your bacon the microwave. Depending on the time, you can chewy or crispy bacon. Find out how you like your bacon by one and a half minute intervals.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Garden: Why should you garden for food?

Here are some reasons I have found to garden. hopefully this can help you deside to garden too.

Important reason to vegetable GARDEN is to save money.

Produce can be really expensive for many families so fresh fruits and vegetables don’t always appear in one’s grocery list.

Gardening which can be more time consuming based on the complexity and size of one’s garden but can still be a source of self- sufficiency, relaxation, and a plain feel good hobby.

To grow your own fruits and vegetables you know if and what pesticides are going into your food.

 Home grown fruits and vegetables are fresher and tend to taste better then store bought.

Sharing your garden with your children can be a way to instill the value to your children of hard work that can produce good things such as food.

If you grow too much, you may find that you are able to share with others that are not fortunate enough to be able to grow their own garden.

Canning your own vegetables, while the initial cost is more than what you would pay for a jar or can of food, over time (if you stick with it) can saves you money.

Growing one’s own food you can have more affordable way to have organic food. Many supermarkets will sell organic seeds. All you need to do is put in the effort.

So to recap on Reason to vegetable garden

Saves Money

Healthier diet

Enjoy your hobby of gardening

Control what goes into your food

Taste better

Instill the joy of hard work in your children

Canning helps through the winter

Share excess vegetables with others

Cheaper organic food

Welcome to My Blog

I have many interests and hobbies, so many in fact that I don’t know if I could post them all. I like to figure out how everything works and see if I can do it myself. So if you are interested in how things are made, crafted and done follow my blog. Many of the thing I am going to post are how to tutorials, videos, and posts, helpful information, things that I sale (manly mother and child product) and other products people sale, homeschooling projects, information and helpful sights, saving money tips and product and if possible eventually books I plan on publishing.

About myself: I am a stay at home mom that loves being a mom and if it were possible I would like to be a super mom that could do everything. I plan on homeschooling my children and I love to make and sale crafts.